The Stand-Up Mam By Kay Wilson Review (Random Things Tours)

Today dear reader I am on the blog tour for The Stand-Up Mam By Kay Wilson (Published 1st July 2024) A big thank you to the author for sending me a copy to read and review, always appreciated. Also to the lovely Anne for inviting me to take part in the blog tour, always a pleasure to work with.

The Stand-Up Mam

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A stand-up competition transforms the perfect mother into a comedy queen. Despite bringing her true joy, the searingly honest jokes shatter her family’s seemingly perfect lives.

This novel explores the sacrifices women make for their families and what happens when one puts herself first and follows her dreams.

Georgie Chancellor has worked hard to have a perfect life, and it is, on the outside. She has a beautiful home, successful husband and two wonderful children.

Everything she dreamed about as a girl is hers. Not that she ever thinks about her past, anymore.

But when her family enters her into a stand-up comedy competition, Georgie decides that only the truth will do.

Encouraged by Jaz, her handsome mentor, she riffs about her family and what life is really like behind the facade.

Audiences love it, and Georgie’s star begins to rise.

Will stand-up success destroy everything she has created?

About The Author

Kay Wilson lives in South Tvneside. Her novel features many of her own experiences of stand-up comedy – a bucket list ambition she achieved after surviving a near-fatal brain haemorrhage.

I would love mv book to empower women to make each day the best it can be for them and, it might sound trite, to challenge themselves and follow their dreams

My Review

Georgie Chancellor appears to be your middle-class mother and wife residing in a posh Tyneside suburb but her past is a completely different story. She has everything she could ever want but still pines for a different pace of life. Georgie had dreams of going to art college, her life is a never-ending list of jobs, cleaning, cooking, being a slave and the butt of all jokes. She is however, good at cracking her own jokes and amuses her family with anecdotes about the PTA meetings and Merry Berry.

One day out of the blue Nat gets an email about a comedy competition, its a Edinburgh Festival course with gigs and a London final. Each competitor is paired with a professional comic to help them prepare and offer advice. Georgie enters on a whim and is surprised when she receives a phone call to say she has got through to the next stage. Convinced that she will fail and is too old to be doing stand-up, Georgie is paired with the handsome Jaz who encourages her and she slowly becomes the audience’s favourite. Her success builds and builds but she is constantly aware that the façade of her perfect life could quickly disintegrate before her eyes. It’s a ticking time bomb waiting patiently to explode.

Georgie is an interesting character to follow. Upon the reader first meeting her, she is a teenager, standing on the edge of the school roof. She is pregnant and wishes to end her life. Fast forward to the present and Georgie has created the perfect, warm family hub for her two children, teenager daughter Lily and Nat her 19 year old son. Her husband Lawrence is loving and supportive with no idea about the truth of her past. Georgie is terrified that it has the potential to cause upset to her family, that it will destroy the safe space she has created. She feels damaged and is living a lie. 


I give The Stand-Up Mam By Kay Wilson a Five out of Five paw rating

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This book is a riot! Absolutely hilarious but with a dash of tenderness and warmth.

The brilliant mix between vulnerability and comedy plays on all your emotions. Wilson does a super job at making the reader feel for her characters, to care and feel involved in their fictional life. This book will have you crying no matter what either with laughter or sadness.

Don’t forget to follow the rest of the blog tour, dates below, enjoy!

The Stand Up Mam BT Poster

Hop hop wiggle wiggle

About Bunny's Pause

Hello, I'm a Author/Poet/Reviewer/Bookworm/Gamer/Music Lover/Wife and Mother! I review and recommend books as I LOVE to read! I am always on the lookout for new and upcoming books to expand my ever-growing library. If you have something you wish me to read and review, please contact me. I would be delighted to hear from you. Hop hop wiggle wiggle
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1 Response to The Stand-Up Mam By Kay Wilson Review (Random Things Tours)

  1. annecater says:

    Thanks for the blog tour support x

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